Vue.js Music Player

Drag and drop music files here.

{{ currentTrack.title }}

{{ formattedCurrentTime }}
{{ formattedDuration }}
  • {{ track.title }} ×

No tracks in the playlist.

sec to sec
Keyboard Shortcuts Function
Space Play/Pause.
← → Seek backward/forward 5 seconds.
↑ ↓ Increase/Decrease volume 5%.
M Mute.
Shift+P / Shift+N Move to previous/next song.
R Repeat current song.
Number 0 to 9 Seek to the 0% to 90% of the video.
L Turn on loop.
K/; (To the left/right of L) Set loop start/end time to current time.
' (Two keys right of L) Submit loop time.
>/< Speed up/Slow down the video playback rate.